Digital marketing is the process of using digital platforms such as websites, social media, or search engines for branding, selling, and marketing of brands. Learn the art of promoting products or services using digital channels. Acquire extensive digital marketing skills with in depth practical knowledge
Create paid campaigns to make your website more visible for getting leads.
Learn how to make your website organically visible on Google SERP’s first page.
Learn the art of organically growing social media through optimizing social media platforms.
Send targeted emails to promote products, services, or content.
Digital marketing is a rapidly changing and dynamic field. Choosing the right institution for learning Digital Marketing can significantly impact your career. At Lefroy Excel, we extensively cover all aspects of digital marketing, balancing theoretical and practical approaches. Our goal is to ensure that students become proficient in using industry-relevant tools such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, HubSpot, and more, so that they are job-ready upon completion of the course.
The course includes the following modules:
Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
SEO Principles & Marketing Channels
Social Media Marketing Strategies
Search Engine & Email Marketing
Content Marketing Strategies
Integrated Marketing Communication
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Case Studies & Project Presentation
Our course is open to all, with no specific eligibility criteria. It caters to beginners and those seeking to enhance their skills.
In the digital age, learning digital marketing can provide you with various benefits such as increased job opportunities, enhanced marketing skills, and the potential to start your own business.
This digital marketing course will open the doors for you to pursue various careers such as market researcher, PPC specialist, SEO expert, Social media manager, digital marketing expert & more.
Yes, after completing this course, you will receive a certificate verified by Lefroy Excel, demonstrating your competence in Digital Marketing and helping you stand out in the job market.
In case of any inquiry, reach our counselors by filling out this form Here or contacting us directly at